window.addEvent('domready', function(){ /* AJAX-SHIT!!!1!1elf This calls the ajax-comments.php instead of the * wp-comments-post.php if js is enabled, and posts comments by xhr. * ==================================================================== */ if ($('commentform')) { /* We have a commentform on the page and javascript is working - * let's change the action path to the ajax-comments.php-script */ url = '' $('commentform').setProperty('action', url); $('commentform').addEvent('submit', function(e) { // Prevent the submit event new Event(e).stop(); this.send({ onFailure: function() { if (!$('commenterror')) { var error = new Element('li', { 'id': 'commenterror' }); error.setHTML('Dein Kommentar konnte leider nicht eingetragen werden, da ein Serverfehler vorzuliegen scheint.'); error.injectBefore($('lastcommentsformli')); } else { $('commenterror').setHTML('Dein Kommentar konnte leider nicht eingetragen werden, da ein Serverfehler vorzuliegen scheint.'); } }, onSuccess: function() { // added a new comment sucessfully? if (this.response.text.contains('
  • ')) { if ($('commenterror')) { $('commenterror').remove(); } // empty comment and mcsp value $('comment').setProperty('value', ''); // set the new comment and a notification $('respond').setText('Dein Kommentar wurde eingetragen.'); // if this is the first comment, the ol commentlist and the h3-header // don't exist and we have to create them and add them to the dom if (!$('commentlist')) { var newCommentsHeader = new Element('h3', { 'id': 'comments' }); newCommentsHeader.setHTML("Ein neuer Kommentar"); newCommentsHeader.injectBefore($('respond')); var newCommentList = new Element('ol', { 'id': 'commentlist' }); newCommentList.injectAfter($('comments')); } $('commentlist').setHTML($('commentlist').innerHTML + this.response.text) // add some nifty effects var scroll = new Fx.Scroll(window, { wait: false, duration: 600, transition: Fx.Transitions.Back.easeOut }); scroll.toElement($('newcomment')); var commentFadeIn = $('newcomment').effects({wait: 600, duration: 1800}); commentFadeIn.start({'opacity': [0,1]}); } else { if (!$('commenterror')) { var error = new Element('li', { 'id': 'commenterror' }); error.setHTML(this.response.text); error.injectBefore($('lastcommentsformli')); } else { $('commenterror').setHTML(this.response.text); } } } }); }); } /* Add an infin symbol to all external links (here we need PHP) except * Those links containing an image. * ==================================================================== */ $$('a').each(function(el){ /* Sometimes theres a bug with Opera and the Wordpress RTE * and attributes (HREF) become uppercase, so fix it here... */ if (el.getProperty('href') === null) { if (el.getProperty('HREF') !== null) { ref = el.getProperty('HREF'); el.removeProperty('HREF'); el.setProperty('href', ref); } else { ref = ''; } } else { var ref = el.getProperty('href'); } if (ref.test('http://') || ref.test('https://') || ref.test('ftp://')) { // is an absolute link? if (!(ref.test(""))) { var infin = new Element('span', {'class': 'externalURL'}).setHTML('∞'); var imgInside = false; el.getChildren().each(function(i) { if (i.getTag() == 'img') { imgInside = true; } }); if (!imgInside) { infin.injectBefore(el); } } } }); /* Add a » to the current page or category * ==================================================================== */ $$('#sidebar .current-cat', '#sidebar .current_page_item').each(function(el) { el.setHTML('» ' + el.innerHTML); }); /* Make the Sidebar slideable and add the action to sidebartoggler * ==================================================================== */ var sidebarSlide = new Fx.Slide('sidebarhideable', {mode: 'horizontal'}); $('sidebartoggler').addEvent('click', function(e) { e = new Event(e); sidebarSlide.toggle(); e.stop(); }); /* Hooray for Button-Hover-Images... * ==================================================================== */ $$('.button').each(function(el) { el.addEvents({ 'mouseover' : function() { el.setProperty('src', el.src.replace(/.png/g, '_hover.png')); }, 'mouseout' : function() { el.setProperty('src', el.src.replace(/_hover.png/g, '.png')); } }); }); /* Add Tooltips to the abbr, acronym and the Buttons at the top * ==================================================================== */ if (! { var toolTips = new Tips($$('#content .toggler', '.button', '#sidebar .linkcat a', '#searchsubmit', '#submit', 'abbr', 'acronym'), { initialize:function(){ this.fx = new Fx.Style(this.toolTip, 'opacity', {duration: 600, wait: false}).set(0); }, onShow: function(toolTip) { this.fx.start(1); }, onHide: function(toolTip) { this.fx.start(0); } }); } /* Add the Accordion for each post-entry, and the heading h2 a as toggler * ==================================================================== */ var accordion = new Accordion('#content .toggler', '#content .entry', { transition: Fx.Transitions.Back.easeOut, duration: 1200, opacity: false, show: 0, onActive: function(toggler, element){ toggler.setStyle('color', '#222'); /* Strange Firefox-Bugfix */ element.setStyle('width', '600px'); }, onBackground: function(toggler, element){ element.setStyle('height', '0'); } }, $('content')); /* Adjust the min-height of the content to be slightly higher (+40px) * than the current height of the sidebarcontainer and add smoothscroll * ==================================================================== */ var sideHeight = $('sidebarcontainer').getSize().size.y + 40; $('content').setStyles('min-height: ' + sideHeight + 'px; height: auto !important; height: ' + sideHeight + 'px;'); new SmoothScroll(); });