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NEWS… 29. November 2012 um 13:08 Uhr

05. July 2024

BIGENERIC – FAOL  (inzec 033)     New Album  !


Bigeneric – Faol

Mit diesem Musikwerk definiert Marco Repetto aka Bigeneric seine klangliche Vorstellungswelt der magischen Wildnis des Wolfes. Marco widmet dieses Album dem wertvollen Wesen des Wolfes, das ihn seit vielen Jahren stark inspiriert. Die 12 Tracks auf Faol enthüllen die visionäre Klanglandschaft anspruchsvoller elektronischer Musik, in der Marco Repettos eigenwillige und einzigartige Schaffensweise zu einem Biotop der Klangdiversität verschmilzt und sich den Wolf als Vorbild nimmt, der ebenfalls ein entscheidender Faktor für die Biodiversität ist. Die Zuhörenden verweilen in melancholischen und anmutigen Klanggärten, von warmen Rhythmen von legendären Rhythmusmaschinen und Synthesizer-Klänge umgeben, die immer wieder mit psychedelischen Spielereien geschmückt werden. Dieses Album erinnert teilweise an Marco Repettos frühe Werke aus den neunziger Jahren, dennoch fühlt es sich wie ein Meilenstein futuristischer elektronischer Musik der Neuzeit an. Stilistisch kann Faol in den musikalischen Genres Electro, Electronica, Ambient und Psychedelia verortet werden.


Bigeneric – Faol

With this musical work Marco Repetto aka Bigeneric defines his sonic imaginary vision of the magical wilderness of the wolf. Marco dedicates this album to the precious being of the Wolf which has strongly inspired him for many years. The 12 tracks on Faol reveal the visionary sound landscape of sophisticated electronic music, where Marco Repetto’s idiosyncratic and unique creative approach merges into a habitat of sound diversity and takes the wolf as a role model, which is also a crucial factor for biodiversity. Listeners linger in melancholic and graceful sound gardens, surrounded by warm rhythms of legendary rhythm machines and synthesizer sounds that are always decorated with psychedelic gimmicks. This album is partly reminiscent of his early works from the nineties, yet it feels like a milestone of futuristic electronic music of the modern era. Stylistically, Faol can be located in the musical zones of electro, electronica, ambient and psychedelia.

Bigeneric «Faol» Tracklist:
1. Fantschella Luf Album Version 06:13 2. Territoire Sauvage 06:09 3. Volk Odinochka 05:33 4. Il Clan Dei Lupi 06:20 5. Zaubernetz 06:30 6. Région De Loups 06:10 7. Akbara F07 05:51 8. Krafttier 05:25 9. Wanderwolf 06:35 10. Mystic Creature 06:28 11. Coexistence 06:01
12. Faol 06:31

All music composed and produced by Marco Repetto at Purpurklangmühle Hinterkappelen Switzerland
Mastering & Mixing by Daniel Wihler aka Alphatronic at Alphatronic Studio
Artwork Artistic Painting by Rahel Iris Pfaeffli, Bern-Switzerland
Graphic work by Angelo Repetto Zürich-Switzerland

© Marco Repetto – Inzec Records Bern Switzerland 2024
All music digital download: https://marcorepetto.bandcamp.com
Info, concert dates, releases etc.: www.inzec.ch
Video: Fantschella Luf by Rolf Hösli www.rolfhoesli.com

Contact: info@inzec.ch


Buy & Stream:


Video link: Fantschella Luf



27.11.2023 Album Release

Marco Repetto – Makkina 7

1996 – 1999 Memories from a distant era

It was the year 1996, Marco had returned from a trip to Rome, with a bag full of extremely exciting 12″ vinyl records, which he had received from Andrea Benedetti and Marco Passarani and their friends. Among them some records from Nature Records and Sound Never Seen music label and others, which was incredibly own and creative music. This music from Rome also had something dark and mystical about it, which was to inspire Marco very strongly for the next few years.
Influenced by this experience and of course driven by the zeitgeist of this era as well as by personal events, the music pieces from the current album Marco Repetto – Makkina 7 were created.
From driving techno to experimental dark soundscapes, nothing has stopped Marco from turning his visions of that time into music. In the second half of the nineties, electronic musicians around the world experimented with different courageous sounds, which corresponded to the zeitgeist. This album Makkina 7 is a witness of this era.


released November 27, 2023

All music created between 1996 and 1999 by Marco Repetto @ Axodya Bern Switzerland ©
Smok was mixed by Thomas Schwarz @ Axodya 1998
Mastering by Daniel Wihler aka Alphatronic 2023 @ Alphatronic Studio Bern Switzerland
Cover Art by Angelo Repetto in Mexico 2023

Buy, Stream and Enjoy:
  1. Berus
  2. Betral 1997
  3. Density Oned City
  4. Lypara
  5. Polymoon
  6. Genix
  7. Makkina 7
  8. Ilfer
  9. Intex
  10. Intex Remake
  11. Intral
  12. Irix
  13. Sodya
  14. Kryter Ayarina
  15. Log 44
  16. Maison Salamandre
  17. Mapoon II
  18. Modrel
  19. Mushroom Man
  20. Nol
  21. Oro Verde Organica
  22. Smok
  23. Startes
  24. Studera
  25. Svirler
  26. TCB
  27. Tele Reactor
  28. Teneb Remake
  29. Zycor
  30. Zydal-3
  31. Drane

07.09.2023 PLANET LOVE LOST IN SPACE (1991) Digital album


All this electronic music was the early beginning of the Planet Love era that ended in the year 1996. An enthusiastic and creative journey into science fiction and fantasy tales written with a peaceful state of mind. Electronic music for love and peace.
A very big thank you goes to Michiel Graafstal from the magical label „return_backspace“, without him this album would not have been made. More Planet Love releases digital and vinyl can be found on his label:


Without the encouraging help of Michiel Graafstal to copy all my early recordings of DAT cassettes, all these pieces of music would have been forgotten.

🪐 Thank you 🪐

Buy, Stream: https://marcorepetto.bandcamp.com/album/lost-in-space

Tracklist Planet Love „Lost In Space“ :

1. Master Of Mystic 05:24
2. The Lower Men 2 05:34
3. Volcan 08:49
4. Futurism Nr 9 05:20
5. Mission 919 01:45
6. Hysteria 04:20
7. I Have A Dream 04:34
8. Space Mirror 02:46
9. Tell Me 04:48
10. Time Volcan 04:52
11. Creation Of Music 22 03:20
12. Freedom 1991 06:34
13. We Must Get Into This House 04:17
14. Love 03:22
15. Lost In Space The Trip 06:36
16. X-Tra 01:59
17. The Darkside 04:50
18. Lost In Space 9  06:04

15.05.2023  PLANET LOVE D.O.C.   E.P.

it is with great pleasure that return_backspace presents the final instalment in the planet love trilogy

// d.o.c. e.p. // consists of three tracks by marco repetto – conceived at axodya between 91 & 92 – that illustrate the young producer’s more elate side, and underline his inordinate ability to diversify

each track has been retrieved from original DAT-master,
and has been mastered and cut by matt colton at metropolis studios, london

planet love // d.o.c. e.p. // can be previewed on SOUNDCLOUD

// d.o.c. e.p. // will be released may 15th, 2023, as a 45rpm, 180g, 12” vinyl record
and is available for PREORDER through our distributor ONE EYE WITNESS

some copies of planet love // adamha e.p. // are still available
and can be ORDERED through ONE EYE WITNESS while stocks last

end of transmission

23. January 2023

Bigeneric – Les Merlas (inzec 032)      New Album !

Liebe Musikbegeisterte,

Bigeneric Les Merlas, das Folgealbum nach Bigeneric Helva.

Helva das Album von Marco Repetto war eine visionäre Klangreise der wunderschönen Helva Sage aus dem Gantrischgebiet in den Berner Voralpen.

Nun reist der Klangkünstler mit dem neuen Album Les Merlas in die inneren verträumten Seelenwege, gleitet zu den fernen Galaxien und Planeten,

immer auf den Spuren friedliebender Wesen, Kreaturen und Tiere welche uns tagtäglich den Weg weisen wie es sein könnte um im Einklang mit Mutter Erde zu leben.

Les Merlas ist ein elektronisches intimes Klanggewebe mit zärtlich feinfühligen Tonspuren, welche sich oft so lange wiederholen bis sich die Wirkung spürbar entfaltet.

Musikalische Ausflüge in Abgründe, in Fantastische Welten, in psychedelische Momente, verzaubern und verführen den Hörer in neue Bewusstseins Zustände auf dem Plateau der Herzkraft.

Bigeneric Les Merlas wird digital auf der Bandcamp Seite erscheinen. Es wird vorerst keine Tonträger wie CD oder Vinyl geben.

Danke für das Zuhören. Danke für das Kaufen und unterstützen meines Projektes Bigeneric Les Merlas.


Dear music enthusiasts,

Bigeneric Les Merlas, the follow-up album after Bigeneric Helva.

Helva the album of Marco Repetto was a visionary sound journey of the beautiful Helva legend from the Gantrisch region in the Bernese Alps.

Now the sound artist travels with the new album Les Merlas into the inner dreamy soul paths, glides to the distant galaxies and planets,

always on the tracks of peaceful beings, Creatures and animals that show us the way to live in harmony with Mother Earth.

Les Merlas is an electronic intimate sound fabric with tenderly sensitive sound tracks, which are often repeated until the effect is noticeable.

Musical excursions into abysses, into fantastic worlds, into psychedelic moments, enchant and seduce the listener into new consciousness states on the plateau of heart power.

Bigeneric Les Merlas will only appear digitally on the Bandcamp site.

There will be no recordings like CD or vinyl for the time being. Thank you for listening. Thank you for buying and supporting my project Bigeneric Les Merlas.


Marco Repetto aka Bigeneric

Buy & Stream: https://marcorepetto.bandcamp.com/album/bigeneric-les-merlas

All music: https://marcorepetto.bandcamp.com/

Infos & Booking: www.inzec.ch

Bigeneric «Les Merlas» Tracklist:

1. Nupharsis 08:33 2. Kander 06:15 3. Cytonix 09:46 4. Hybridation 07:35 5. Les Merlas 12:18 6. Azalea 07:29 7. Insularis 07:11 8. Ranok 08:01 9. Eadha 07:06 10. Alrahna 07:24 11. Mundo Perla 06:54


December 2022

Planet Love Adamha E.P. Releasedate 01.December 2022

return_backspace is thrilled to reveal the second instalment in the planet love trilogy

// adamha e.p. // consists of three tracks by marco repetto, conceived at axodya during the winter of ‘91-‘92, that reveal a more obscure side of the young producer’s mind

each track has been retrieved from its original DAT-master, and has been mastered & cut by matt colton at metropolis studios, london

listen to planet love // adamha e.p. // on SOUNDCLOUD

Buy or Stream



November 2021


XXX PLANET LOVE – NEW ERA E.P. Vinyl 12″ + Digital (BKSP001)

return_backspace is excited beyond measure to present to the world the music of a young marco repetto

conceived during the heydays of atari-sequencing, under his beloved moniker planet love, the bern-residing, italian producer at long last will disclose some of his earliest compositions

in nine tracks – spanning three extended plays – the headstrong repetto once again demonstrates ingenuity; amalgamating otherworldly soundwaves and advanced production technique into a one-off kind of seminal techno

new era e.p. makes the initial part in the triptych, and unfolds through its title track [ ’92 ]; an extraterrestrial soundscape heavily reverberating profound fascination for 1950s science fiction

flowers [ ‘90 ] is one of the earliest experiments conceived under the alias. the track is a well-balanced blend of measured psychedelic and grand lushness, with its dreamlike character making it supremely effective towards the end of a long night’s rave

bird song [ ‘92 ] is pure bliss, and might just contain one of the catchiest bass-lines known to mankind. topped off with luxuriant pads, stabs, samples, and bleep, repetto truly outdid himself on this one. romantic techno rarely gets more soulful

three decades after their initial recording to digital audio tape, the natural naivety within each of these productions still is extremely tactile; reminiscent of a time when electronic music was in its infancy


releases November 15, 2021

each track computer generated by marco repetto at axodya, bern, between autumns of ’90 & ’92 //
mastered & cut by matt colton at metropolis studios, london //
portrait by romana durisch, ’89 //
distributed by crevette, brussels //
P+C return_backspace 2021 //
returnbackspace.com //


Juli 2021



Avaiable as double CD, double Vinyl and digital

Bigeneric Helva Double CD Inzec Records 031

Bigeneric Helva Double Vinyl Inzec Records 031-V

Digital download:


Worldwide Distribution:


Bigeneric «Helva» Tracklist double CD:

CD 1: 1. Venera 4 07:40 2. Stampferli 05:07 3. Aeonale Erdweisheit 07:54 4. Entschleuniger
12:41 5. Helva 07:39 6. Luchs Herold 08:43 7. Lied Der Vier Winde 08:13 8. Yoort Nuba 10:31

CD 2: 1. Zwergenwelt 05:15 2. Haellstett 11:59 3. Lichtfee 04:52 4. Helisee 11:40 5. Nuyona
11:08 6. Sagenland 06:21 7. Adamant 06:00 8. Der Leuchtende Stern 14:59


Bigeneric «Helva» Tracklist double vinyl:

VINYL 1: A1. Helva 07:38 A2. Stampferli 05:07 A3. Venera 4 07:40
B1. Entschleuniger 12:40 B2. Luchs Herold 08:43

VINYL 2: C1. Der Leuchtende Stern 14:58 C2. Adamant 05:59
D1. Haellstett 11:57 D2. Nuyona 11:07


German: Im Herbst 2016 beginnt Marco Repetto Bigeneric nach einem schweren
gesundheitlichen Einbruch ganz aus der Stille heraus neue feine Klanggewebe zu spinnen, noch
nichtsahnend, Teil des sagenumwobenen Zaubernetzes der Feenkönigin Helva zu werden.
Inspiriert von einer Begegnung mit dem Sagenerzähler Andreas Sommer und der tiefgründigen
Sage um die im Gantrischgebiet lebende Feenkönigin Helva sowie einer weiteren zartfühligen
Botschaft des Universums, lässt Marco Repetto seine elektronischen ZauberKlangfäden weiter zu
der liebevollen und mystischen Komposition Helva verschmelzen.
Helva ist ein cineastisches Klangwerk mit langen, hypnotischmeditativen Klangverläufen und
feinfühligen Ambientsounds, das Einflüsse aus der elektronischen Avantgarde und dem
futuristischen Spektrum neuer elektronischer Musik vereint.
Dies ist der spirituelle Soundtrack der Heart Rebels Gang, die unaufhörlich starke, tiefgründige und
schöne Energie in die Welt sendet.

English: In the fall of 2016, having overcome serious health issues, Marco Repetto Bigeneric
begins to weave new delicate soundscapes from a place of stillness, unaware of his emerging role
in the fabled magic web of the fairy queen Helva.
Inspired by an encounter with the storyteller Andreas Sommer and the legend of Helva, the fairy
queen who lives on the Gantrisch mountain, and another gentle message from the universe, Marco
Repetto merges his electronic strands of magical sounds into a tender and mystical composition
he names Helva.
Helva is a cinematic work of sound with long, hypnotically mesmeric tonal progressions and subtle
ambient colors, combining influences from the electronic avantgarde and the futuristic spectrum of
contemporary electronic music.
This is the spiritual soundtrack of the Heart Rebels Gang who ceaselessly radiate into the world a
powerful and profound force of beauty.

Moto Music - Moto 017 Released 2020
A1 Edger
A2 Wyer
B1 Streamers Of Corona
B2 Protoplanet
C1 Es Tamer
C2 Eltax
D1 Awer
D2 Zodiacal Light






1957 – 2016 







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Alpenflage checks the pulse of the Swiss underground and reports back. This month with a very special feature on Marco Repetto of Grauzone.

In this episode we’re taking a close look at one of Switzerland’s most influential musicians, a man who has been at the forefront of forward thinking music in our country for more than three decades – Bern based producer Marco Repetto. He was among Switzerland’s punk rock pioneers in the late 70’s, landed a major new wave hit in the early eighties with his band Grauzone and their seminal anthem Eisbär and shortly after started experimenting with techno and all sorts of electronic music. Over the course of the last 30 plus years Marco Repetto has released countless records, including an album and two singles for Aphex Twins’ label Rephlex Records and he remains a mainstay in Switzerland’s underground to this day. Marco Repetto picked his favourite 15 tracks from his discography and is going to take us on a wild ride through more than 30 years of Swiss music history.




28.06.2014 Kiste Baden

Mastra & Marco Repetto live

Kiste Baden, Zürcherstrasse 1, CH – B5400 Baden



07.06.2014 Schatzalp Davos

Mastra & Marco Repetto live


26.04.2014  Zürich (private occasion more infos: info@inzec.ch)

Marco Repetto live


17.04.2014 Taxi Bar Bern

Benno Blome (Sender Rec., Senzen, Eramina), Berlin
Adriano Mirabile (Senzen, Stasis Recordings, Sirion Rec., Sinneswandel), Bern
Marco Repetto live (Inzec, Sinneswandel)

Taxi Bar- und Club, Speichergasse 13, CH-3011 Bern


28.02.2014 Kapitel Bern

Nachtfalter @ Kapitel Bern

DJ Paco

Marco Repetto live


Kapitel – Bollwerk 41 – CH 3011 Bern




27.02.2014 Club d`Essay @ Dampfzentrale Bern

   21:00 Foyer Club
   Bruno Spoerri, Franz Treichler, Marco Repetto
   Ein grosser Tisch, ein unendlicher Kabelsalat. Und dann ein Kollektiv von Elektronika-
   TüftlerInnen, die zusammen Musik aus dem Moment entstehen lassen.
   Das ist der Club d’Essai.
Dampfzentrale Marzilistrasse 47, CH – 3005 Bern





Podiumsdiskussion Berner Galerien Wochenende 2014

Kunsthalle Bern, 18.1.2014, 18.30

Das digitale Zeitalter in der Kunst

Marianne Burki, Leitung Visuelle Künste, Pro Helvetia diskutiert mit: Tom Blaess, Druckatelier/Galerie Bern, Philipp Gasser, Künstler Basel, Hélène Joye-Cagnard, Co-Direktorin Phototage Biel, Dr. Hansmartin Siegrist, Universität Basel und HGK Basel

Anschliessend Apéro und Klangkonzert von Marco Repetto Konzertbeginn ca. 20:00





January 2014……Marco Repetto is currently recording the next BIGENERIC album and more…

Last live performance in 2013:


28.12.2013 Dampzentrale Bern

Our friend and Bar-man «Housi» from the Foyer International Dampfzentrale Bern is on the move for new adventures. Let’s celebrate in memories of all the good parties & events we shared with him in that great location. Good luck H!

Featuring: Markus Kienzl live (Sofa Surfers Vienna), Marco Repetto live, Dj Alex (Inflagranti), Dj Diferenz (Dubquest), Dj Mastra, Visuals by Büro Destruct.
Dampfzentrale Bern,

28th December 2013 from 9PM.





09.11.2013 Kaleidoskop Electronic Music Festival

Marco Repetto live 22:00 – 02:00

Kiff Gesamtprogramm / Detail

KiFF – Kultur in der Futterfabrik
Tellistrasse 118
CH-5000 Aarau

ALPNESS – NEW RELEASE!! 27. Juni 2012 um 09:45 Uhr

New Inzec release – inzec 029  –  Bigeneric vs. Anderscht – Alpness

Releaseinfo / Media:

Release Info inzec_029 (pdf)
Alpness Medientext inzec 029 (pdf)

CD – Album + Download:

( iTunes, junodownload, Discogs…)





Radio DRS:

Berner Elektronik verzaubert Hackbrettklaenge



14.06.2012 Espace Tinguely FR 27. Dezember 2011 um 09:15 Uhr

Vernissage Franz Bruelhart

Marco Repetto live @ Espace Tinguely


Espace Jean Tinguely – Niki de Saint Phalle 1700 Fribourg / Suisse



10.03.2012 live @ Mystica 27. Dezember 2011 um 09:06 Uhr

Bigeneric-Marco Repetto live @ Mystica 2012


Start: 20:00


MYSTICA Eventhalle Erstfeld Breiteli 22/24


01.01.2012 Cabaret Zürich 27. Dezember 2011 um 09:00 Uhr

Hermetschloo@Cabaret Zürich

Marco Repetto extended liveact!

Start: 14:00

Club Cabaret Geroldstrasse 15 8005 Zürich